I believe that it is our responsibility, as visitors and as a brand operating in a foreign country, to give back to the communities and environment that have supported us and allowed us to be where we are. 

5% of every KTO2 Bespoke sale supports the efforts of plastic recycling in exchange for rice through Plastic Exchange Bali.

Plastic Exchange Bali is the brainchild of Mr. I Made Janur Yasa. Below is his empowering story...

Back in May 2020 in the midst of the pandemic, many out of work hospitality and tourism employees headed home to their respective villages which created a population ‘boom’ and a subsequent waste problem with no infrastructure to deal with it.

Made Janur Yasa, a restauranteur who had subsequently closed his restaurant during the pandemic, took notice of this worrying trend. True to his motto "inside every challenge is an opportunity" he weighed up the problem and the needs of the people; he came up with a solution – the Plastic Exchange. Plastic for rice. The first initiative began in his village. The program soon caught on, and since then more than 700,000 kgs of plastic have been collected for recycling and 170,000 kgs of rice have been distributed in over 200 Bali villages. It's the biggest island cleanup in history.

Made Janur Yasa was recently nominated for, and won the distinguished CNN Hero 2021 Award.



KTO2 Bespoke’s alignment with Plastic Exchange Bali not only helps us to raise funds, but also keeps our factory operating in the midst of the pandemic, allowing us to continue to support our community. 

Thank you for helping us make a change.

To learn more and contribute please visit https://plasticexchange.org